Dozens of people gathered Saturday at the first of many sunrise ceremonies set to take place along Memorial Drive. At 8:30 A.M. three flags were raised at the Field of Crosses Memorial Project while people sang the Canadian national anthem.
This year, there are more than 3000 crosses lined up. Each cross represents a fallen southern Alberta soldier and is inscribed with the age, name, rank and regiment of the person who died.
“Every cross tells a story, a humans story. A father lost, a son lost, families that would never be the same again because one man went to fight for what we have now,” Murray McCann said, the founder of ‘Field of Crosses’.
The Field of Crosses runs every year from November 1st to 12th and it coincides with the Calgary Poppy Campaign and the Annual Veterans and Seniors Food Drive. The food drive is in its 8th year and cash and food donations can be made at the Crown Surplus store in Inglewood.
The official kick off took place Saturday afternoon, when several dignitaries were present including representatives from the Armed Forces.
Field of Crosses goes up along Memorial Drive.
Global News